Safe chip t2 in mac: keylogger breaks local shutters

The security researcher niels hofmans has demonstrated how vulnerabilities in apple’s t2 secure chip can be exploited in practice. First, he uses a well-known luck to attack the boot process. Then he bypasses an apple-integrated security routine, which actually acknowledges precooling attempts in the device firmware update mode (dfu) with a crash of the operating system (sepos) of the chip. He managed to get full root access including kernel execution rights.
That apple’s safe chip t2, which is in all current macs and, among other things, ensures ssd hardware shutters, with security, is already known. These are therefore problematic, therefore, because they do not simply migrate from the manufacturer by updating – the included os is poured into hardware. The processor is based on apple’s a10, which is already on duration jailbreaks.